Hi there! I’m Lucinda, the designer, crafter, author, and photographer here at Swish and Stitch. I love to be working on something at all times and have project supplies scattered everywhere!
I’ve been a stay-at-home mom ever since my first (of five) was born. I have never been bored—though often overwhelmed—but I would not trade my time with my kids for anything.
They are now spreading their wings and it’s time I do the same!
I love to crochet, quilt, craft, take photos, and make fairy gardens and photo books. I’m a nerd at heart and love to read, solve equations, and watch The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.
I love to be inspired by beauty—beautiful landscapes, beautiful art, and beautiful people. Some of the beautiful people in my life include my dad for whom I would walk through fire, my mom who raised 9 kids and lived to tell the tale, my husband who puts up with my crazy ideas and never complains when I want to order more yarn, and my now 6 kids—TMan, DLish, BRizzle, JMoney, HDawg, and GKatt—whom I adore.
About Swish and Stitch
For a year or so I’ve owned another blog Happily Ever Aperture which focuses on photography, especially for the family (non-professional) photographer. As I wrote, I found I wanted to be sharing crafts, but they didn’t fit well with my niche.
Then, this year, I started working on a couple of corner-to-corner crochet projects and wondered if I could design my own. While I was waiting (and waiting and waiting) for yarn for an blanket, I tried out afghan design. In about 10 days I designed roughly 60 crochet blocks! I knew I was onto something.
Thus Swish and Stitch was born!
This Blog Is For You
I hope my ideas and patterns will inspire you to make beautiful afghans and decorations for your home. I hope you’ll want to share your creations with friends, family, and other crafters here at Swish and Stitch. I hope you’ll give them as gifts and find pleasure in creating beauty.
Let the crafting begin!