Crochet up this beautiful blanket perfect for a special Olympics year. It features the Eiffel Tower and celebratory fireworks to help you cheer for your country's team.
Conflicted, yet valiant, Boromir joins the other members of the Fellowship of the Ring in their quest to destroy the One Ring. Crochet the ninth block in the LOTR Fellowship of the Ring Afghan.
Reckless and impulsive, Peregrin Took, joins Frodo, Sam, Merry and the other members of the Fellowship of the Ring in their quest to destroy the One Ring. Crochet the eighth block in the LOTR Fellowship of the Ring Afghan.
Meriadoc Brandybuck is mischievous and intelligent. He is best friends with his cousin Peregrin Took. Together, they join the Fellowship of the Ring. Crochet the seventh block in the LOTR Fellowship of the Ring Afghan.
Legolas "Greenleaf" is a fearless elven prince. He is loyal to Aragorn and the cause of the Fellowship charged to destroy the One Ring. Crochet this sixth block in the LOTR Fellowship Afghan.