Moaning Myrtle is crucial to the Harry Potter story. Stitch up this bonus block and create a wall-hanging or pillow to complement the Hogwarts House Ghosts Afghan.
The Grey Lady, or Helena Ravenclaw, was ashamed of stealing her mother's diadem and hid it in Albania. She revealed the truth of her theft and death to Harry Potter giving him important information leading to the downfall of Voldemort. The Grey Lady is the final block in the Hogwarts House Ghosts Afghan.
The Fat Friar, ghost of Hufflepuff House, is a cheerful, jolly ghost. He is forgiving and willing to see the best in everyone. The Fat Friar is the third block in the Hogwarts House Ghosts Afghan.
The Bloody Baron, is a gaunt and staring ghost, avoided by students and ghosts alike. In death, he remains covered in blood and wears chains as penitence for killing his love. He is the second block in the Hogwarts House Ghosts Afghan.
Nearly Headless Nick, ghost of Gryffindor Tower, prefers to be known by his full name: Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington. He is friendly and helpful, but feared death. He is the first block in the Hogwarts House Ghosts Afghan.
Seamus has familial and national pride and is loyal to Harry and Dumbledore after hearing the the truth about Voldemort. He joins Dumbledore's Army and fights in the Battle of Hogwarts. Crochet the final student block in the Gryffindors Afghan.
Get ready for Halloween by crocheting up some ghosts! This fabulous Hogwarts House Ghosts C2C Crochet Afghan is perfect for holiday decorating and all Harry Potter fans.
The fabulous Crochet Dragon Applique is the start of the Magical World Crochet Applique Series. Use him to embellish afghans, sweaters and other crochet projects or combine him with upcoming designs for a magical wall-hanging or blanket.
The Aspen Crochet Christmas Stocking is the final stocking in the 2022 series of crochet stockings. Pair it with other Swish and Stitch stockings for a magical holiday display!
Get ready for the holidays with the sweet blanket! Featuring gingerbread girls and boys, this cheerful afghan adds childlike wonder to your Christmas décor!