Ron Weasley is the third block in the Gryffindors Block of the Month Afghan. Loyal and cheerful, Ron is Harry Potter's best mate and the third member of the "Golden Trio."
It's so fluffy! The cheerful and quirky Fluffy Unicorn C2C Crochet Afghan is perfect for little girls and Despicable Me lovers! Its loveable face and fluffy mane and tail make it soft and huggable.
Finish up the LEGO-inspired Brick Face Family C2C Crochet Baby Afghan with a fun puff stitch border reminiscent of LEGO studs. The perfect edging for this bright baby blanket!
Crochet up the final block in the Brick Face Family C2C Crochet Baby Afghan---the Brick Brother. He's impish and mischievous with a smirk to match. Download 4 FREE charts to complete the entire blanket.
The Brick Face Daughter is the 3rd block in the Brick Face Family C2C Crochet Baby Afghan. She's sweet and feminine with a sprinkle of freckles and a rosebud mouth.
Download the FREE graph and start stitching today!
Stitch up the second block in the Lego-inspired Brick Face Family Baby Afghan. Brick Face Mom is feminine and charming! She is perfect next to Brick Face Dad.
Stitch up this fun Lego-inspired Brick Face Dad C2C Crochet Block. This is the first in the 4-block Brick Face Family Baby Afghan. Download the FREE chart.
Hold on to your broomsticks, it's time for the Harry Potter Gryffindors C2C Crochet Block of the Month Afghan. Download the FREE Harry Potter block chart.
Competent and reassuring, Kingsley Shacklebolt is the 12th block in the Order of the Phoenix C2C Crochet Afghan. Download all 12 FREE charts and get ready to put together this magical blanket for your favorite Harry Potter fan!
Alastor Mad-Eye Moody is tough, hardened, and suspicious. He takes the 10th spot in the Order of the Phoenix C2C Crochet Afghan. Download the FREE chart!