Ghosts of Hogwarts — Myrtle Elizabeth Warren
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“Moaning Myrtle was sitting on the tank of the end toilet.
“‘Oh, it’s you,’ she said when she saw Harry. ‘What do you want this time?’
“‘To ask you how you died,’ said Harry.
“Myrtle’s whole aspect changed at once. She looked as though she had never been asked such a flattering question.”
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Moaning Myrtle is not a Hogwarts house ghost, but as I mentioned in the Hogwarts House Ghosts C2C Crochet Afghan intro post, she’s crucial to the whole Harry Potter story. This Moaning Myrtle C2C Crochet Block is actually the first of the ghost blocks that I designed. I chose to use a blue background for her because Myrtle Warren was sorted into Ravenclaw House.
Harry Potter first meets Moaning Myrtle in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets after the first threatening message concerning the Chamber of Secrets is painted onto the wall and Filch’s cat Mrs. Norris is petrified. He and Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger go into the girls’ toilet to look for clues. They later use the same bathroom to brew polyjuice potion. Toward the end of the book, they realize that it was Myrtle who was killed by the basilisk and go to ask her how she died. After hearing her story, Harry is able to deduce the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets.
Because of Myrtle’s importance to the story, I chose to include her as a bonus block in the Hogwarts House Ghosts series.

You can find the other Hogwarts House Ghosts Afghan series here:
- Hogwarts House Ghosts C2C Crochet Afghan Intro
- Nearly Headless Nick (Gryffindor)—AKA Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington
- The Bloody Baron (Slytherin)
- The Fat Friar (Hufflepuff)
- Hogwarts House Ghosts C2C Crochet Afghan—Joining and Edging
Moaning Myrtle C2C Crochet Block
~ Moaning Myrtle 25×25 Pixel Graph

~ Lion Brand Vanna’s Choice Yarn 3.5 oz skeins in the following colors (amounts are approximations): UPDATE!!
- Colonial Blue — 2.0 ounces
- Charcoal Grey — .5 ounce
- Silver Grey — 1.9 ounces
- Pale Grey — 2.5 ounces
- Black — .1 ounce
- White — .1 ounce
~ Size H Crochet Hook or hook needed to achieve gauge (see Gauge for C2C Afghans)
~ Yarn Needle
Crochet the square starting from the bottom right corner of the chart. Row-by-row written instructions are below.
After you finish crocheting the block, crochet one row of single crochet in COLONIAL BLUE around the entire block. See Adding a Single Crochet Edge around a Finished C2C Block for how I crochet around the edge.
Looking for Bright, Imaginative patterns like the Brick Faces Afghan? Find it and other kid-approved afghan patterns at Swish and Stitch Crafts on Etsy.
Row-by-Row Instructions Moaning Myrtle C2C Crochet Block
[RS] = Right Side
[WS] = Wrong Side
B: Blue [208 pixels]
CH: Charcoal [169]
PG: Pale Grey [136]
GR: Grey [90]
W: White [20]
BL: Black [2]
Crochet from bottom right corner.
→ Row 1 [WS]: B1 (1 square)
← Row 2 [RS]: B2 (2 squares)
→ Row 3 [WS]: B3 (3 squares)
← Row 4 [RS]: B4 (4 squares)
→ Row 5 [WS]: B1, GR1, B3 (5 squares)
← Row 6 [RS]: B1, CH1, B1, GR2, B1 (6 squares)
→ Row 7 [WS]: B1, GR3, CH2, B1 (7 squares)
← Row 8 [RS]: B1, CH2, B1, GR3, B1 (8 squares)
→ Row 9 [WS]: B1, GR4, CH3, B1 (9 squares)
← Row 10 [RS]: B1, CH3, B1, GR4, B1 (10 squares)
→ Row 11 [WS]: B1, GR5, B1, CH3, B1 (11 squares)
← Row 12 [RS]: B1, CH3, B2, GR5, B1 (12 squares)
→ Row 13 [WS]: B1, CH1, W2, GR2, B3, CH3, B1 (13 squares)
← Row 14 [RS]: B1, CH2, B5, W3, CH2, B1 (14 squares)
→ Row 15 [WS]: B1, CH3, W2, B6, CH2, B1 (15 squares)
← Row 16 [RS]: B2, CH1, PG1, B1, PG3, B2, W1, CH3, GR1, B1 (16 squares)
→ Row 17 [WS]: B1, GR1, W1, CH2, W1, B1, PG7, CH1, B2 (17 squares)
← Row 18 [RS]: B2, CH1, PG9, CH2, W1, GR2, B1 (18 squares)
→ Row 19 [WS]: B1, GR2, W3, PG9, CH2, B2 (19 squares)
← Row 20 [RS]: B2, CH3, PG5, CH1, PG3, W2, GR3, B1 (20 squares)
→ Row 21 [WS]: B1, GR4, W1, B1, PG2, CH1, PG2, GR2, PG1, GR1, CH2, B3 (21 squares)
← Row 22 [RS]: B3, CH2, PG1, GR2, PG1, GR1, PG2, CH1, PG2, B1, W1, GR4, B1 (22 squares)
→ Row 23 [WS]: B1, GR5, B1, PG2, CH1, PG2, GR1, PG2, GR1, PG2, CH2, B3 (23 squares)
← Row 24 [RS]: B4, CH2, PG1, GR1, PG1, BL1, PG1, GR1, PG2, CH1, PG1, B2, GR4, B2 (24 squares)
→ Row 25 [WS]: B3, GR3, B2, PG6, CH2, PG2, CH3, B4 (25 squares)
← Row 26 [RS]: B4, CH2, PG1, GR1, PG1, W1, PG1, GR2, PG4, B7 (24 squares)
→ Row 27 [WS]: B2, CH2, B3, PG3, GR1, PG1, GR1, PG2, GR1, PG1, CH3, B3 (23 squares)
← Row 28 [RS]: B3, CH3, PG1, GR1, PG1, GR1, PG2, GR1, PG3, B2, CH3, B1 (22 squares)
→ Row 29 [WS]: B1, CH3, B2, PG2, GR1, PG1, BL1, PG1, GR2, PG2, CH3, B2 (21 squares)
← Row 30 [RS]: B2, CH4, PG3, CH2, PG4, B1, CH3, B1 (20 squares)
→ Row 31 [WS]: B1, CH3, B1, PG2, GR1, PG1, W1, PG1, GR1, PG2, CH3, B2 (19 squares)
← Row 32 [RS]: B1, CH5, PG1, GR1, PG2, GR1, PG2, B2, CH2, B1 (18 squares)
→ Row 33 [WS]: B1, CH2, B1, PG3, GR1, PG1, GR1, PG2, CH4, B1 (17 squares)
← Row 34 [RS]: B1, CH5, PG1, GR3, PG3, CH2, B1 (16 squares)
→ Row 35 [WS]: B1, CH2, PG2, GR1, PG4, CH4, B1 (15 squares)
← Row 36 [RS]: B1, CH5, PG3, CH1, PG1, CH2, B1 (14 squares)
→ Row 37 [WS]: B1, CH4, PG1, CH6, B1 (13 squares)
← Row 38 [RS]: B1, CH9, B2 (12 squares)
→ Row 39 [WS]: B2, CH8, B1 (11 squares)
← Row 40 [RS]: B1, CH7, B2 (10 squares)
→ Row 41 [WS]: B3, CH4, B2 (9 squares)
← Row 42 [RS]: B8 (8 squares)
→ Row 43 [WS]: B7 (7 squares)
← Row 44 [RS]: B6 (6 squares)
→ Row 45 [WS]: B5 (5 squares)
← Row 46 [RS]: B4 (4 squares)
→ Row 47 [WS]: B3 (3 squares)
← Row 48 [RS]: B2 (2 squares)
→ Row 49 [WS]: B1 (1 square)